Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 22nd, 2012

"Turning off your computer is like turning off life support." Really? I mean, I know that was meant in a joking way, but have we really resorted to making technology a life or death situation in such a context as that? Let me tell you, when I was younger, I found absolutely no need for the internet. There was a world still existing around me; a world that did not run virtually. You know what's hard? Watching someone die who is actually taken off of life support; watching the life drain from their body as the monitor readings begin to lower and completely crap out. It's a moment where you're actually on planet Earth, and where the last thing that is on your mind is what you're new Facebook status will be or what you're going to reblog on Tumblr later. You realize that even when you aren't on the internet, the world is still spinning and children are playing with their friends, and people are at amusement parks riding rides or going on dates or taking really important tests that are going to determine their futures and careers. So to say that turning off a computer is like turning off life support is so wrong in so many ways. There are people out there who are dying and have lived an amazing life without even touching the mouse of a computer. It's so sad what kinds of things we compare the internet to these days without even stopping to think first. Have we really become so dependent on the virtual world that we can't live a life outside of it?

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